Wednesday, December 25, 2013


I think it's time we talked about RESPECT.

How to earn it?

When you give it?

And what its good for?

Seems to me a lot of folks these days don't care too much about RESPECTING other people. 

Everybody wants to get RESPECT,  but nobody seems to want to give it. 

Maybe in this day and age of technology, some of us has forgotten what it's like to be......HUMAN!!!

Sure its fun to be right and of course you want to win. But that doesn't mean you get to be a JERK ABOUT IT

You can't go around thinking the world owes you something or anything of that matter. 

You gotta get out there and earn that RESPECT.

And one good way to make sure you get RESPECT and get what you DESERVE, is to give a little RESPECT.

So THE NEXT TIME you want to get an ATTITUDE and start yelling at the world, don't nobody RESPECTS me, This, That and The Third. 

Take a little time to think about it, could it be you're not getting RESPECT from people because you're not giving RESPECT to people?

Food For Thought!!!

Have A Bless Day