Friday, June 21, 2013


Now I have to tell on myself. The Lord blessed me and at the same time he's been dealing with my heart about somethings. Few mouths ago I said something to someone on Twitter that I knew at the time I should not have said it, but I said it anyway. That person BLOCK me, And so then the Lord revealed to me why I said what I said. the Lord revealed that I had jealousy in my heart towards this person.


It's one thing to hear other people dealing with jealousy, but when it knocks at your door and you're the jealous one. It's a Whole different ball game. Now understand, I wasn't jealous of the person in general, but jealous of where they are in their career and where I am in mine. See we're both in the same field. I'm more behind the scene doing work in video production, they're more in front of the camera, but their career is further along then mine.

So the Lord revealed the jealousy in my heart.....and it hurts deeply.... Real Deeply!! Where I could have spoken a word of Encouragement, a word of Faith. I went the other direction and spoke Negativity. A Trusted friend told me this was a blessing for God to reveal this to me and not have me think everything was OK. I had to pass this way.

I'm thankful for the Lord doing what he did. Do I wish it would have been revealed in a different way? Yes. Why?Because now it may have cost me someone I thought of as a friend. But the Lord knows and hopefuly this person and I can talk about it.

It's not going to be easy to tell them I was JEALOUS of you. But I have to be real, I was...very much so!!!

So I'm going to grow from this experience but it hurts so deeply. But The Lord Knows........

Proverbs 4:23 "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life."

Luke 6:45 "for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh."

(Or Type...)

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