Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Melody: Essence of Music

A pleasing series of musical notes that
form the main part of a song or piece of
music. A sweet or agreeable succession or
arrangement of sounds. Arhythmic succession of single tones organized as an aesthetic whole.

(Melody is the essence of music. I compare a good melodist to a fine racer, and counterpointists to hack post-horses; therefore be advised, let well alone and remember the old Italian proverb: Chi sa più, meno sa—Who knows most, knows least.)
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart-

I often say that the backbone, the foundation of a good song starts with the Melody. Sometimes you can have a song, I like to call it a complete song. Where the Melody and the lyrics are synced together. Take any one of them out and that song still hold it's own, but then sometimes you have a song where the Melody is what's keeping the song poppin and the lyrics is garbage or vice versa the Melody is garbage but the lyrics is keeping the song gone, its giving it LIFE!!!

(The point about melody and beat and lyric is that they exist to engage you in a very particular way. They want to occupy your attention.)
-Brian Eno-

The good thing about the Melody of a song is that it has a way of putting you in a mood, an instantaneous mood. Whether you like country, R&B, Jazz, Rock n Roll whatever your music type is, once you hear that melody, that first chord its going to do something to you. Remind you of happier times or whatever the case may be.

The bad thing about the Melody of a song is that it has a way of putting you in a mood, an instantaneous mood. Whether you like country, R&B, Jazz, Rock n Roll whatever your music type is, once you hear that melody, that first chord its going to do something to you. Remind you of not so good times or whatever the case may be.

The melody of a song can have you doing back flips up and down the street put you in such a good mood and then it can also have you ready to fight somebody ready to cry and God forbid if it's a rainy gray cloudy day outside and you hear the wrong song....Boy Oh Boy... your whole day is jacked up just because of that melody!!!

Yeah....Its That Deep.

This blog came about after I was listening to Teena Marie-Ooo La La La. When that first Chord, when that melody hit, you could not have told me that I was not on the campus of Ferris State University in 1996. Memories just started flooding. I can't figure it out, but for some reason that melody took me back there. Odd...

When was the last time you heard a song/melody that took you some place...a happy place in your mind and then turn around and hear another melody and it took you to a sad/dark place in your mind?

It's almost like that Minnie Riperton-Back Down Memory Lane. She says she's stumbled on a photograph that made her laugh, but in this case it was a melody that made you remember the good times....the bad times...the why Times!!!

So Many WHY Times/Moments.......LMBO

So I guess Jem and the Holograms was right....Music Is Magic.

Yep I said it....Jem and the Holograms!!!

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