Sunday, July 19, 2015

Fueled By Faith, Mr. Jamaal Lewis

Black Pepper Media, LLC had the wonderful pleasure of interviewing model, entrepreneur an up and coming actor Jamaal Lewis. With all the scheduling and rescheduling we had to do because of time difference, Jamaal being on the west coast and BPM located in the mid-west/east coast. Plus scheduling conflict on both parts because we both having prior engagements, we knew this interview was going to be something special because of all the road blocks we encounter just to get to this point.  So here we are the day of the interview. 

Murphy law says, if anything can go will. The first call to Jamaal ended with a voice mail message, thinking we’re going to have to reschedule again, no problem. A missed call from Jamaal ended with a voice mail message explaining why he missed our call. He was sleep because he was on set shooting a video with Big Sean, E-40 and Kanye West from ten to twelve hours till 8 am west coast time, 11 am our time. We finally get connected but we were not out of the woods yet, we had to end that call because of a bad connection. Weeks of planning we have made it to our destination. The interview has begun. 

Who is Jamaal Lewis? Born and raised in the small town of Colorado Spring, Colorado, Jamaal is a God fearing man. That’s what drives him, that’s what keeps him going. He lives in faith and he found out once you do it that way life will be so much more fruitful no matter what you’re trying to do. With a full ride scholarship to play at Arizona State University, Jamaal thought his life was set playing football. From high school to college to the pros, Jamaal was banking on that, but like so many that came before him he fell into that jock mode not really excelling in his classes. When asked what was it that caused his plans to be derailed, Jamaal states that God had a different plan for his life. “Didn’t see it at first” Jamaal says. Didn’t know what was going on, everything was going left, this was not how it was planed out, so I did what I knew how to do…I prayed. 

Not wanting to go to deep into his personal life, I asked Jamaal what was it that caused everything to go left to humble him. Jamaal then replies “I’m an open book, my life is my testimony. You can’t help people grow, people won’t be able to see who you are if you are a closed book”. He then goes on and say, it started from when I was first introduced to football. “I was a short fat bald headed kid, who was given the nick name of “Sinbad” cause I looked like the comedian Sinbad”. I played the tuba; I was geek, a nerd. Then one summer I shot up, I grow like a foot. I started playing basketball and football but I was doing well at football. Then I started to take on that jock personality more and more attention came and from being a short fat kid I was feeling good about myself. 

Once he got to ASU (Arizona State University), Jamaal says it just got worse. The attention, the celebrity status, the life style he was living he didn’t think it was wrong, he felt like he had accomplish because of where he came from to where he was at the time. Jamaal then goes on to say he didn’t pick up is first drink until his sophomore year in college because of his family’s strong Christian background. It was a shock to people to know that this big man on campus, who has all this attention and celebrity status, didn’t drink. Being at Arizona State University (ASU), at that time was the number one party school in the nation, I started to party and that was a key factor in why I didn’t make it any further. My way was not the right way, not the way God had planned for me Jamaal says. His junior year at ASU he was set to go into the NFL. He was ranked to be drafted in the second round of the draft. I was just thinking money; look second round is great I’m getting out of here. That was my focus I really had no intentions on graduation because I was so into football Jamaal says. 

That same year, Jamaal got into some trouble. Two nights before his first football game, Jamaal got pulled over. “I’ve been drinking but I didn’t get a DUI ticket, but I was suspended for the first two games of our season. My mind set was I was living the NFL life it wasn’t about football no more I was content”. Jamaal stayed and played his senior year. He had a deceit year but his junior year was better and after the season he didn’t get invited to go to the NFL combine, which was a shock to everyone that followed his college career. It was because I was labeled a high risk, Jamaal says. when it comes to football your resume is your life and at that time Instagram was not out but I had Facebook and was always posted pictures of me and some hot girls and turning up bottles, thought I was cool and everything didn’t know the NFL really look at that stuff. 

Jamaal Lewis is also the owner & creator of Stay Blessed Clothing Line. When ask how did Stay Blessed come to be, Jamaal says. He was at an all time low, after graduating from college he didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life. He had a lot of money and a lot of friends due to the money and when the money started getting thin so did they. When he stopped buying bottles, clothes, their way into the clubs or this or that, then he became no good to them. Then a good friend of his pulled him to the side and said, “Brother, you blessed man stay that way”. I haven’t had anyone talk to me that way in years. I felt the passion, the realness behind it. That’s when “Stay Blessed” came into the picture. It’s Also when I started modeling. The Girl I was with at the time said, “You should model”, and I said I’m not modeling. I’m used to football helmets and pads and everything, but she went and booked a shoot for me. I had fun, really enjoyed may self and when I got the check…modeling it is. 

At that point Jamaal started changing his images. All the pictures he had posted of him with the girls at the club turning up and everything, all gone. Now he was just posting pictures from his modeling shoots, food for thought quotes and he would tag it StayBlessed. It didn’t happen over night he said. I would post Stay Blessed and someone would comment, what you mean Stay Blessed, you were just at the club a few months ago? But that didn’t stop Jamaal; he kept pushing & posting Stay Blessed. He started booking more and more modeling shoots as well. One day Jamaal says he went to the mall and made a T-Shirt with Stay Blessed on it, this was also the time Instagram came on the scene. Jamaal posted a picture of the Stay Blessed T-shirt he made and floods and floods of comments of I need that shirt, where can I get that shirt from was coming in. From there Stay Blessed was born.

Outside of Jamaal’s acting, modeling and his clothing line (Stay Blessed), Jamaal likes photography. Something I’ve always had a thing for. There are other things I like, like hanging with my girl, watching movies normal stuff. I always did photography not with a professional camera just with my camera phone or those square Nikon cameras. I really didn’t start pursuing it until I started modeling and going on these photo shoots. Building my portfolio paying for these photo shoots, I’ll get the pictures back and be like, this is Boo-Boo man. You just got over; you just robbed me of five hundred dollars Jamaal said. So after talking to his girl about it, she got him a nice camera for his birthday. 

You couldn’t take that thing out of my hands, I was taking pictures of boogers, whatever I was just taking pictures of everything Jamaal said. Still going on shoots, Jamaal said he would study the photographer while he was shooting with them without them even knowing it. I was learning the photographer’s techniques while shooting with them. Now Jamaal has a photography business and a full studio in his house with back drops and everything. The pictures you see of the models modeling his Stay Blessed clothes, he takes the pictures. 

What’s on the horizon for Jamaal Lewis? The one thing that is guarantee to me is that I stay blessed as long as I have faith. I’ll set a goal and it’s gone because it happens daily. It was a blessing to work with someone accomplished like Big Sean, E-40, Kanye West and DJ Mustard. I’m always rocking Stay Blessed clothes, but on the video shoot I couldn’t wear nothing but my band, but I was waving it all in there face and the camera. I’m spreading the message but I’m in this video where they are talking about stuff I don’t agree with. I wanted to turn off the music and ask them, what are y’all talking about? Let’s talk about something real. I know what’s over the horizon is going to be huge it’s going to be beautiful. I got my seatbelt on I’m riding because it’s in God’s hands.

Since this interview took place in October 2014 Jamaal has gone on to be in countless TV commercial, video shoots, print ads & fashion shows. Check out his Facebook page.

You can catch Jamaal Lewis on his social media sites 

Don't forget his clothing line Stay Blessed social media sites

BlackPepper Media, LLC would like to thank Mr. Jamaal Lewis for giving us the opportunity to interview him and we wish him the best in his endeavors. 

Always Remember, 
You've Made Mistakes But You're Not A Mistake. 
You Are God's Workmanship, 
You Are God's Masterpiece, 
You Are An Original, 
You Are One Of A Kind!

Till Next Time
Stay Focus, Stay Grounded & Stay Blessed...

If you would like to be showcased in our next blog, you can reach us at 
or hit us up on 
Twitter or Instagram

Executive Producer: 
KL. Mitchell (Anointedjedi)
Twitter & Instagram 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Dre Skillz: Producer/Entrepreneur

Dre Skillz

Born in Mississippi, Texas native D'Andre JoVonn Gills aka "Dre Skillz" is starting to make a name for himself on the Dallas, Texas music scene.

Since 2008, Dre Skillz has been fine tuning his music craft and becoming an extremely talented producer, with some impeccable originality of the most unique and catchy beats produced in the Dallas Texas area.

Dre Skillz love for music started at the age of nine when a request for a drum kit was denied but that passion for music was never diminished. With a partially self-taught background in Classical Piano, Dre Skillz taste of music is beyond universal. 

Being a self-described "genre connoisseur", Dre Skillz sound is strongly influences by Pop, Rock, Soul, Jazz, Country and Electronica

For Serious Inquiries/Collaborations:






Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Loose Cannon: Artist/Producer/Entrepreneur

Loose Cannon


Born and raised in Riviera Beach, Fl.  
This Indie Artist/Producer/Entrepreneur has been making his imprint on the Florida Hip Hop music scene for about two years now.

Loose Cannon music can be described as Real Reality Music or Just Reality. With his love of Urban Music, classic soul, Hip Hop & R & B. This young  Entrepreneur released his own  CD "Life In The Ghetto", on his own record label (LORC) Loyalty ova Royalty Committee.

As for his future goals, Loose Cannon has his eyes set on making his record Label (LORC) Loyalty ova Royalty Committee to the biggest in the south and for his music to touch people worldwide of every race, color and creed.

For Serious Inquiries/Collaborations:
Facebook: Loose Cannon
IG: Loosecannon8st
Twitter: @loosecannon5611


Friday, July 25, 2014

Phillip Brooks: Christian/Professional Basketball Player/Clothing Designer/Entrepreneur

Black Pepper Media, had the opportunity the pleasure to interview professional basketball player Phillip Brooks. An upcoming Christian Clothing designer out of Dallas, Texas.
Check it out...

Who Is Philip Brooks?

I am a 28 years old professional basketball player who plays overseas from Dallas, Texas.

Were you born and raised in Dallas, Texas?

Born 1985, my whole life.

How long have you been playing professional basketball and have you played here in the states or just overseas?

This is my 6th year now playing overseas. Never played pro in the states, only when I attended school & college. 

What schools you attend? 

I attended North Garland High school, then from there I attended Arkansas-Pine Bluff, Abilene Christain University and Langston University. 

If I may ask, why three different colleges? 

I was at Pine bluff and had problems with my coach. So I went to ACU, it was the same situation. So I finished my last eligibility playing at Langston University.

How much longer do you see yourself playing professional basketball?

I see me playing for another 8 years.

Philip Brooks Clothing Company. What made you to want to get into fashion and start your own clothing line? 

This past year. I like to dress and love God. So had in mind about a year ago I want to start my own Christain Clothing line that represent my own individual style and God.

How are your clothes diffrent from the other Christian designer?

I think my clothes are different from the other Christain designers because most of thier clothes are only T-shirts. My Clothing line gives you all types of looks (shirts, tanks, jeans, leggins, hats, kid section) and more coming with the Fall collection.

What would you tell somebody looking to start their own clothing line/business? 

I would tell them its not going to be easy. Make as many contacts before you go in. Planned it for a year or more and be ready to take risk on losing alot of money at first.

Was there any doubt because of the process it took for everything to come together? 

I never had any doubt. I put it out their with Faith in God. God told me to dont worry just do it and do it with faith and confidence and he would do the rest. So thats what I did.

Was their doubters, naysayers that was speaking negatively of what you was trying to do?

I really don't know individuals by their name or who actually was talking down on me. But it was things being said and especially from where I grew up at. I don't pay it no mind, you have to have haters to reach success. I just keep my faith in God and who ever supports will support. If not, I will always put God first and keep movin.

Outside of basketball and being a fashion designer. What other interests do you have?

Right now just looking into other investment,opportunities for the near future.

Who is your favorite designer?

Michael Costello by far

What's Next? What Do You have coming up on the horizon?

Next will be the Women and Mens fall collection. I have a few creative ideas but will wait to make it public when it Launches

Black Pepper Media would like to thank Phillip Brooks for giving us the opportunity to interview him and we would like to also wish him the best on his new Christian Clothing line. 

You can catch Phillip Brooks on his social media websites Facebook, Twitter and Instagram links are below. Also don't forget to check out his clothing line website as well

Thank for stopping by Black Pepper Media.
You can find us on
Twitter: or

Always remember:
You've Made Mistakes But You Are Not A Mistake. You Are God's Workmanship, You Are God's Masterpiece, You Are An Original, You Are One Of A Kind...

Till Next Time
Stay Focus, Stay Grounded & Stay Blessed...

Philip Brooks Social Media

Friday, June 27, 2014

The Nap: Benefit Of The Doubt

I've always been the one who gave people the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. No matter how Interesting...Interesting...Interesting The Story, Situation or Circumstances maybe. Until proven otherwise....I will take you at your word.

So with that being said, it's time for

"Random Story Telling".

True Story

Year: 1996 around Autumn or Winter time.

Location: Ferris State University.

Time: Between 4:45 pm & 7 pm

I stayed in Bond Hall and this girl who stayed in Bond Hall as well, came to me and said Keith I need you to do me a BIG FAVOR. I said ok no problem what is it? She said I talk to this dude on campus and he said for me to come over to his room so we can take a nap together.

(Looks Left..Looks Right..Blink Blink) OH....OK....A Nap...Fine!!!

So what do you need me to do?

She said, I need you to walk me over to his room.

I said, OK...Sure..Why Not..No Problem.

(Pause Story) (Sidenote)

Now.....granted she already had two boyfriends back in Detroit, one who stayed on the East Side and the other stayed on the West Side.

Wait...No...No...No Correction.

One who stayed on the East Side the other stayed in Southfield. But in the words of Kermit The Frog, That Was None Of My Business Though...... So I Digress!!! Ha Ha Ha

(End Sidenote) (Return To Story)

So we talkin as we're walking over to his room, he stayed in another hall. So we get to the hall, make our way to his floor. As we're making our way to his room she said, come back in an hour or I'll call you from the lobby to come get me. 

I said, I'm going over to the Rankin Center, I'll be back in an hour.

Being that he told her the door would be open just to come on in, she didn't want him to know that she had someone with her because he told her not to tell anybody.

I said, OK..Fine (Faint laughing)

So before she open the door, I walked into the stairwell and I waited for her to walk in.

I made my way over to the Rankin Center. I played some video games in the arcade room. It was about time to go pick her up. I made it back about 10-15 minutes pass the hour. And so I stayed in the stairwell, waiting for her to come out. She came out and we made our way back to Bond Hall.

Now Of Course Curiosity Raised Its Head. (No Pun Intended) Ha Ha Ha

Now...I knew she was more than likely not going to be as forthcoming with information because he had said,


And even when she asked me to walk her over she was hesitant to tell me who it was because he had said,


So I respect that......but I still ask anyway. Wouldn't You Have?

I said, Well....What Happened?

She said nothing. (Grinning & Laughing)

I Walked Into His Room.
I Close The Door.
I Took My Shoes Off.
I Got In The Bed.
I Kissed Him On The Cheek.
He Kissed Me On The Cheek.
We Chatted For A Minute.
Then We Dozed Off & Took A Nap.

I said, cool...

About that time we made it back to Bond Hall. 

She turned to me and said, Keith thank you and please don't tell nobody....PLEASE!!! (Laughing)

I said, no problem...I won't. (Laughing)

She went her way....I went mine.

(End Of Story)

ROFLMBO......Boy I Have Had Some Advantage In My Life!!!

Now The Moral Of This Story Is:

SMH......I wish I didn't remember so much stuff, my goodness. Sometimes I wish I can just forget something's  Real Talk.....LMBO....Really Keith Really!!!

It's been 18 years and until proven otherwise I believe all they did was take a nap.
Now....Now....Now I know some of y'all going to be like,

You Is Not That Naive Dude!   
You Better Get It Together!!!

I will answer you back, only two people really know what happened and I have to take her at her word that all they did was take a nap. Until Proven Otherwise. (Smile......Blink Blink)
Like I stated in the beginning. 

I've always been the one who gave people the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. No matter how Interesting...Interesting...Interesting The Story, Situation or Circumstances maybe. And That Is An INTERESTING Story I Just Told You!!!

Until proven otherwise....I will take you at your word.

Now don't get me wrong I'm far from being dumb, stupid or anything. I am an educated man. Educated black man on top of that. Just because I don't say nothing don't mean I don't notice it.

Did I Just Contradict Myself.....Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!

Till Next Time...

Stay Bless

Stay Focus

Stay Grounded


I'm Done

You Can Go Now.....Goodness!!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

King P. Artist/Producer/Actor/Entrepreneur


 King P.

Born and raised in Mt. Clemens MI. This Indie Artist/Producer/Actor/Entrepreneur has made his imprint on the Detroit music scene with such collaborations with

Big Gov
The Black Guvernment Music Group

Legendary Platinum Selling Artists/Producer/Friend & Mentor

DJ Magic Mike
B. Worthy

Now currently residing in Florida, King P. is quickly making his presence felt with hits like,

'Random Thoughts'

& A Bangin collaboration with

B. Worthy 'Keep Rolling'

With his Universal love of music and with a flow that can only be described as Masterfully Skilled and Appealing. King P. is currently working on his mixtape series The King P. Trill-O.G and his debut album.

When King P. is not recording, he is co-staring in a film set to be released later this year.
King P. is a force to be reckoned with and is not to be taken lightly in the rap world arena.

For Serious Inquiries/Collaborations:

Instagram: snapheadz

Twitter: @PressBoxDaPrint

Melody: Essence of Music

A pleasing series of musical notes that
form the main part of a song or piece of
music. A sweet or agreeable succession or
arrangement of sounds. Arhythmic succession of single tones organized as an aesthetic whole.

(Melody is the essence of music. I compare a good melodist to a fine racer, and counterpointists to hack post-horses; therefore be advised, let well alone and remember the old Italian proverb: Chi sa più, meno sa—Who knows most, knows least.)
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart-

I often say that the backbone, the foundation of a good song starts with the Melody. Sometimes you can have a song, I like to call it a complete song. Where the Melody and the lyrics are synced together. Take any one of them out and that song still hold it's own, but then sometimes you have a song where the Melody is what's keeping the song poppin and the lyrics is garbage or vice versa the Melody is garbage but the lyrics is keeping the song gone, its giving it LIFE!!!

(The point about melody and beat and lyric is that they exist to engage you in a very particular way. They want to occupy your attention.)
-Brian Eno-

The good thing about the Melody of a song is that it has a way of putting you in a mood, an instantaneous mood. Whether you like country, R&B, Jazz, Rock n Roll whatever your music type is, once you hear that melody, that first chord its going to do something to you. Remind you of happier times or whatever the case may be.

The bad thing about the Melody of a song is that it has a way of putting you in a mood, an instantaneous mood. Whether you like country, R&B, Jazz, Rock n Roll whatever your music type is, once you hear that melody, that first chord its going to do something to you. Remind you of not so good times or whatever the case may be.

The melody of a song can have you doing back flips up and down the street put you in such a good mood and then it can also have you ready to fight somebody ready to cry and God forbid if it's a rainy gray cloudy day outside and you hear the wrong song....Boy Oh Boy... your whole day is jacked up just because of that melody!!!

Yeah....Its That Deep.

This blog came about after I was listening to Teena Marie-Ooo La La La. When that first Chord, when that melody hit, you could not have told me that I was not on the campus of Ferris State University in 1996. Memories just started flooding. I can't figure it out, but for some reason that melody took me back there. Odd...

When was the last time you heard a song/melody that took you some place...a happy place in your mind and then turn around and hear another melody and it took you to a sad/dark place in your mind?

It's almost like that Minnie Riperton-Back Down Memory Lane. She says she's stumbled on a photograph that made her laugh, but in this case it was a melody that made you remember the good times....the bad times...the why Times!!!

So Many WHY Times/Moments.......LMBO

So I guess Jem and the Holograms was right....Music Is Magic.

Yep I said it....Jem and the Holograms!!!